The Phoneticom Emergency Message System is for those times that you have not prepared for. In fact, you can never be prepared for crises and emergencies. When they strike you, you're almost always at a loss to deal with the situation. Then your thoughts fly off to secure your nearest ones. You don't really understand how you are going to reach over to the people you care for. EmergencyMessageSystem offers you the solution. With our broadcasting network, you can send out instant messages to 10 people at the same time. The instantaneous message is broadcast to the numbers or email ids that you have registered in your 'Settings'.
The big advantage of Phoneticom EmergencyMessageSystem is that you need not contact your close ones individually. Just one phone call to the Emergency Message System desk and you will be able to deal with the situation. You can broadcast 5 emergency messages in a month. In addition to this feature, you can also receive email alerts for national terror warnings, weather updates, drug and food alerts and also product safety recalls. The Emergency Message System is the new way of safeguarding the ones you hold dear to your heart. Visit and get your peace of mind today.
The big advantage of Phoneticom EmergencyMessageSystem is that you need not contact your close ones individually. Just one phone call to the Emergency Message System desk and you will be able to deal with the situation. You can broadcast 5 emergency messages in a month. In addition to this feature, you can also receive email alerts for national terror warnings, weather updates, drug and food alerts and also product safety recalls. The Emergency Message System is the new way of safeguarding the ones you hold dear to your heart. Visit and get your peace of mind today.
Emergency Message System on Facebook.
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