Friday, March 16, 2012

Connect to Near & Dear Ones with Emergency Message Systems

Emergency can hit us at any point of time. We have to ready for it. We just cannot be lazy to take preventive measures. Here comes the old saying that prevention is better than cure. Have you ever thought what would you do if there is some kind of emergency around and there is no one around?

Thinking about such situation makes us frightened. But it can happen that such situations arise. So, for such situation Phoneticom emergency message system has introduced an amazing system. The system is such that during the hour of need you will dial a toll free number and the company will forward your emergency message to 10 different numbers.

This way you can get in touch with your family and friends when you need them. Once you get the service you will have to record your emergency message. Make sure that the message is short and it must be understood by all. 

The cost of the service is only $14.95 per month. The amount gets billed with your primary billing account. Moreover you will not have to disconnect the primary phone connection as well. 

Moreover you will not have to sign any bond or contract when you sign up for this service. The service of this emergency message system is ideal for any difficult situation. So, now you can sign up for this service .

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